Curriculum Vitaes

Your CV is meant to be a comprehensive list of your life’s accomplishments and is typically used to apply to graduate school or academic jobs. Try to think broadly about your accomplishments, skills, and experiences when creating a CV.

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8 strategies for students and recent grads to stand out when applying to jobs

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In a highly competitive job market, standing out is crucial. We asked eight professionals, including a Chief Human Resources Officer and a Head of Growth, to share their unique strategies. From harnessing the power of cover letters to telling a …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.

Writing a Resume or CV: Writing Result-Oriented Bullet Points

Download this form to use as a guide for writing a dynamic resume focusing on your experiences, skills, and other characteristics that highlight the ways in which you are the solution everyone’s been waiting for!

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Writing a Resume or CV: Understanding What The Employer Wants

Download this form as a guide to outlining what a specific employer is looking for AND how you match the qualifications and requirements, point by point.

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Writing a Resume or CV: Personal Marketing Phrases

Tailoring your resume and cover letter means that you choose marketing phrases that describe you and connect meaningfully with the employer.

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Writing a Resume or CV: Highlighting General Skills

Put the spotlight on the skills that describe you and that outlines your demonstrated and proven experience of that skill.

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Career Resources

A CV is a comprehensive overview of your academic achievements that differs from a resume in specific ways. Follow these …

Download this form to use as a guide for writing a dynamic resume focusing on your experiences, skills, and other …

Download this form as a guide to outlining what a specific employer is looking for AND how you match the …

Writing a Resume or CV: Personal Marketing Phrases

Tailoring your resume and cover letter means that you choose marketing phrases that describe you and connect meaningfully with the …

Put the spotlight on the skills that describe you and that outlines your demonstrated and proven experience of that skill.