Welcome to the Agriculture, Food, & Environment community!
Explore career pathways and possibilities to…
- integrate expertise and hands-on work in food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and the environment
- seek dynamic solutions for the betterment of agricultural and food system practices, production, policy and education
You will find industry resources, trends, job and internship opportunities, networking connections and alumni stories to help you articulate, discern and navigate the career possibilities open to you.
- Academic knowledge, expertise and hands-on experience in industry
- Understand and identify how key organizational systems affect organizational performance and quality of products and services
- Understand global context of industries
- Knowledge of design, operation, and maintenance of equipment, computer and technological systems critical to Agriculture, Food, & Environment industries
- Safety, health and environmental policies and procedures to ensure high quality performance and compliance
- Communication, problem solving and critical/creative thinking skills
- Leadership & teamwork
- Farming & Farmland Preservation
- Education and Outreach
- Agritourism
- Research
- Horticulture
- Advocacy & Policy
- Animal Systems
- Agribusiness Systems
- Biotechnology Systems
- Sustainability & Environmental Service Systems
- Food Science, Food Production – Products & Processing Systems
- Plant systems
- Community Capacity, Food Systems & Equity
- Government and Policy
- Natural Resources Systems and Built Environment
- Economy and Business Development
- Public Health and Wellness
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Child and Family Studies
- Forest Resource Management
- Health and Human Performance
- Sustainability and Environmental Studies
- Berea College Farm
- Berea College Greenhouse
- Berea College Farm Store
- Berea College Forest and Forestry Outreach
- Auxiliary – Dining Services
- Auxiliary – Boone Tavern Restaurant
- Plant Operations (Facilities)
- Grounds
- Community work on- and off-campus – Grow Appalachia
- TA positions – academic support for students/faculty
- General Administration