Important Info re: Summer Internships

This email was also sent to #Students and #Faculty on Monday, Dec. 2 at 11:30 am and is being reposted here.


By now you’ve all seen the yard signs, posters, Weekly Update, and announcements like the one below, reminding you that if you are thinking about doing a summer internship, you must do two things to get started. You don’t need to have an offer, and you can do them any time before the February deadlines, but . . . if you’d like to complete the Internship Prep Coursewhile you are on winter break (good plan!), be sure to submit the Agreement before the Internship Office closes for the holidays so we can enroll you. We’ll be around until at least December 17th

FYI, the Prep Course consists of 6 required modules (1 hour total), with 3 optional modules (1 more hour, depending on your needs), and the February 15th deadline is FIRM.

Save the date for the Internship Fair on January 31st and enjoy the upcoming break!

Esther Livingston
Director of Internships
(859) 302-0051 work mobile
Office of Internships and Career Development
308 Stephenson Hall

By Sara Cornett
Sara Cornett Internship Coordinator